Six things you’d better keep to yourself

The video I found today is in Russian, but I’ve translated core ideas of it to English. It is about 6 things that will surely help you to be happier and more successful if you keep those things away from the people around you. The things my mother always told me to do.

  1. Don’t share your plans, dreams and your desires. It will help you to concentrate on them to move forward.
  2. Don’t share about your restrictions in food, sleep and relationships. Austerity does good in case you are reserved about your words.
  3. Don’t tell everybody about acts of your heroism. Managing outer obstacles we got rewards, but nobody sees the inner part of a struggle we keep everyday. People will not appreciate that.
  4. Don’t tell anyone about spiritual enlightenment you’ve perceived. The others might not need it. Share it only in case when people ask you for it.
  5. Never share about conflicts in your family or you with your spouse. The less you talk about it, the more stable it becomes.
  6. Don’t recall someone’s bad or swear words said to you during a day or a life. The man who shares everything he’s heard on his way home is similar to a man who doesn’t take his shoes off before come in.

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