
Being wrong

The hardest thing to do when you’re wrong is to accept that it’s only your fault and responsibility, but no one else’s. It’s incredibly difficult to admit when you’re wrong.

It takes a great courage to stand up and say, “Yeah, I failed. I am sorry for that. I was wrong.” Very few people are capable of taking such a step. If you can do that, you have reason to be proud of yourself.

The value of life ★

The secret of happiness can be revealed with a simple thought. Life is always beautiful. No matter what shit may come and happen, life is good simply because being alive is better than being dead.

Our life is very erratic and inconsistent. You won’t have forever what you have now in your life. Someday it will end. All of it. And there will be nothing to enjoy, nothing to look at, and nothing to regret about.

Even though sometimes life puts us to the test it doesn’t make life less precious and amazing. To live is always good. Remember that both in the moments of joy and in the moments of grief.

The value of life is in life itself, not in how easy or hard this life is for you.

Never be daunted

It’s hard to think clearly in difficult times. Fear paralyzes, impotence suppresses the mind, you feel dropped out.

The main principle that helps me keep my mind clear and sound is: “Continue going your way and don’t lose heart. Never lose heart.”

Not to lose your way, manage your focus and keep moving towards the goal when the world is on fire is an invaluable skill and strength. To remember that difficult times are not forever is a sign of incredible resilience.

Be strong and resilent. Continue on your way. Never be daunted.

Circus with animals

Circuses and moving zoos are the wildest misconception in 2021. I honestly don’t understand why they still exist.

What is the point to look at a dancing bear that was trained and forced to dance? Who has ever laughed at clown’s jokes? Aren’t they the most pathetic and lousy jokes in the world? What is the pleasure to stare at animals locked in small cells, dying of thirst or frostbite?

I would prohibit circuses just for their absolutely disgusting “wanna-gouge-my-eyes-out” advertising and terribly vulgar costumes, that kills the people’s sense of beauty. Not to mention the fact that being a person who commits and supports violence against animals in the 21st century is completely fucked up.

Here’s a fresh poster by Tyumen circus — make my eyes bleed

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