Tag “blog”

The less, the better

For six years of writing I used to believe the more platforms I post on, the better. It wasn’t a very effective strategy.

Yesterday I deleted my Twitter and Instagram accounts, and soon my Telegram channel will be closed. Starting from today I will keep writing only on these three platforms: this website, Substack, and Mastodon.

The less platforms I have to maintain, the more attention I can pay to the writing and not the distribution.

If you’ve been feeling overwhelmed lately, seek an opportunity to reduce the amount of projects, errands, and tasks you’re dealing with. Keep three the most important to-dos you have on your list, start with them and drop everything else. You’ll get back to it later after you’ve handled the essentials.

If three is too much for you right now, cut it to one to-do. The less, the better:

  • Doing three projects? Take a break in two, and finish the one with higher priority.
  • Reading three books, none is finished? Pick one, finish it, then move to the next one.
  • Repair works are stuck and it’s all a mess? Stop everything and choose one, for example, fix a kitchen door that’s been out of order for weeks.

When life pushes hard, don’t try to bear it all on your shoulders. Reduce the number of options, select the most important thing to focus on, and after it’s done move to the next most important thing on your list.

One-thing-at-a-time strategy always works, plenty-things-at-a-time strategy—not so often. The less, the better.

To stay in touch: follow me on Mastodon, subscribe to my newsletter on Substack, or grab the RSS feed. See you there!

What’s all the fuss about?


My name is Evgeny. I’m an editor, writer and art director. I run a small design studio and write copies for brands. Beside that I have a few side projects of my own as this blog and my monthly newsletter about writing, management, leadership.

That’s me in Rize, Turkey

I have a Russian origin, so don’t freak out 'cause of my name. The English version of it is Eugene, and I hate it. So, when you contact me never refer to me like that, use the original version of the name. Or at least the Spanish one—Eugenio.

I grew up in Tobolsk, a small Siberian town and then moved to Tyumen, just 228 km to the south. But the weather is pretty much the same here. We have cold and snowy winters, and goddamn hot summers. Sometimes they’re so hot you wish it were a winter or at least a fall.

What is this site for?

In February I’m planning to start several projects in English:

  • Blog and personal newsletter about writing and design. I love sharing some good thoughts and notions about things and people around me.
  • Shortreads about life in Russia, stories of some Russians that touched me.

Follow this blog via RSS or subscribe to my newsletter so you don’t miss the news and updates.

I’ll finish this post with a quote of my favorite writer Ernest Hemingway.

Life should never daunt you. Never be daunted. It’s the secret of my success. I’ve never been daunted. Never been daunted in public.

Ernest Hemingway, 1899−1961

Subscribe to my monthly newsletter and Telegram channel to receive new posts about writing, management, and leadership on this blog.